The fab 5 that keeps me going...

The fab 5 that keeps me going...
One generation plants the trees; another gets the shade. ~ Chinese Proverb

Monday, November 2, 2009

I was invited to talk with folks, along with Peter Norback (One Can A Week - Miles Neighborhood) at the Sam Hughes Neighborhood Association meeting this past week, about One Can A Week. I was really struck by the cohesiveness that is so apparent among neighbors in this neighborhood. Inevitably, FOUR people jumped up with enthusiasm to start One Can A Week in the Sam Hughes neighborhood. I think they too, see the benefit of how 'giving' brings about Community. I'm still not exactly sure how this works. I think it is the fact that everyone is on board to a common cause. And basically, It Feels Good to do good. I can't think of a better way to unite!

And there was even talk about starting a "Dining For Women" ~ Sam Hughes chapter. Can you imagine if EVERY neighborhood started a chapter?! Yeah, I can't help but to think of possibilities ~ its more Fun to think Big. (This is why my husband is the 'brakes' in the family, because undoubtedly I'd have a small village of kids at home! Okay, I guess we do ~ a Big Village then!)

And when people are united, and there is community ~ there is safety. And Happiness! Go Sam Hughes!!!
Another cool thing that happened was at an RV park we stayed at Halloween night. A woman (picture on right) approached me and asked if I was Lisa Hepner with One Can A Week and I said, "yes." She said that she had seen my blog, wanted to make a food donation, and asked for a business card. Pretty neat! Thanks Terry!!! We love random donations!!! :)

Hope ya'all had a Fabulous Halloween!

88 lbs. this week, including 4 lbs. of non-food items and $50.00 cash!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lot's to be Thankful for...

See ya Sunday!

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