The fab 5 that keeps me going...

The fab 5 that keeps me going...
One generation plants the trees; another gets the shade. ~ Chinese Proverb

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

On Being Global Citizens...

Every once in a while we get to be a small part of something really BIG. This was my experience recently.
Let me start from the beginning. I started my One Can A Week route down Sierra Vista, nervously approaching each home, trying to get out in one sentence and breath of what it was I was doing, when I walked up to Dory's home. Dory is a really adorable, thin and bubbly woman who stands tall and confidently. I have to admit I was a little intimidated when she stoically said she didn't want to give me her email address ~ but that she would happily be involved. I was relieved.

Every week I do my rounds and only ask for one can. But understand that Catalina Vista is a neighborhood of really incredible people. Perhaps I got lucky, or perhaps I have a second sense about where to find 'the good ones', and I'd like to think the latter, but happenstance is what it is.

After a few weeks of 'showing up' (which I have learned is the biggest part of anything we do ~ more about that later), Dory left a bag of a few cans (she really hasn't been able to leave 'just one'), and there was a yellow post-it note with her email address and a bunch of questions. As I was reading the very beginning of it, she was exiting her house down the path toward me. We chatted for a few minutes, but I was trying to be aware of her space and what I failed to recognize was that she was 'letting me in'. When I got home, I researched what it was we were talking about ~ Dining For Women.

And I was Awestruck.

This is brilliance. I knew, in a heartbeat that Dory and I would be friends.

Dining For Women is an incredible organization that has the "Global Citizen" at heart. This, as a mother of Multi-Cultural children ~ I love. I do think that we live in an incredible country with amazing opportunities. Make no mistake about that. I do also believe that we are bigger than our geographical boundaries. And this I have seen firsthand.

As we watched the short video of women all the way around the other side of the globe, with their own unique struggles (ones quite frankly we cannot relate to at all ~ lack of water, lack of electricity, no cars, etc. etc.), I sense the thread. The invisible thread that connects us all ~ each unique woman, each unique individual. We are all there because we feel this...

We shared stories, feasted on fabulous dishes from Tibetan recipes, drank wine, chatted up each other about our lives and truly connected. All the while we were connecting to our sisters on a global level. It likely doesn't get much better than this from the comfort of our own homes ~ every age, every ethnicity, every cultural background and career.... brilliance.

So for my Catalina Vista Neighbors:

Ophelia ~ I know you cannot read this as you are legally blind, however I am sending out big thoughts and prayers for your successful eye surgery!

And to all the rest of my Catalina Vista Neighbors ~ it doesn't happen without you. Each and every one of You. With just one can.

When you greet me with smiles and a "Hi Lisa!" ~ just so you know ~ it completely and utterly makes my day. That is My reward.

(Picture of my oldest daughter, Sequoia, my little Noah and tiny MeiLi)...

I am so blessed to be surrounded by so many incredible people...

66lbs. this week!

See you Next Sunday! (Remember I will be late!)

xo Lisa

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, thanks for your generous work for others. You are a role model for us all and a friend to my beloved sister Dory.

    Have you considered adding a "tip jar" to your blogsite? An easy-to-click path through Paypal would provide an easy way for others to participate in your Good Work.

    Thanks, again.

    -- Artie Isaac
